Sunday, March 11, 2012

Monday, December 5, 2011

Getting to KNow the Students.

Currently teaching at UniSZA, i've been dealing with students in Terengganu, (both diploma and degree level) for 2 years and a half, maybe...

The big problems in teaching were the existing knowledge of the students, and also their mastery of the basic skills and knowledge in English.
-SOme does not know how to pronounce basic words, such as , AS, WHO, WITHOUT, and so on, and im not talking about the 'bombastic' words here as the students may call it.
-Critical grammatical and syntactical errors when building simple sentences.

Ive been trying quite a few methods..
But none has proven to be effective with these people.

And I think the problem might be...


Not knowing the students..

Not knowing of who they really are...
Not knowing of their actual abilities.
Not knowing of their potential..
Not knowing of their willingness to learn..
Not even bothering to find out about all the above..

Sometimes,. Ideas do come and go.. Some great and some 'rubbish'
But i never even thought of doing them,,
So much of walk the talk, talk the walk..
NO Talk No Walk.. Walk Walk Talk Talk.. NOTHING!, aaiiyaaa...

So this is the first step..
after a few years of time wasted..

at least it's 'something',, compared to nothing..

Hello World.

This blog is dedicated as a place to keep my ideas and all the 'things' to be used in teaching English.